I resolved to blog again. So here I am.
I had a spare moment to kill. I'm going to be spending the next few days recovering from getting three teeth removed. I'm hopped up on Percocet, swollen, and bleeding.
Funny thing painkillers do to a person's psyche. I never remember my dreams- I haven't for a couple years now. But I remember mine from last night- the night I went to bed after popping two of those round little white pills. It was a strange dream. It took place in some strange Baltimore/Ashbury Park boardwalk hybrid and starred me, my first brother Daniel, my high school crush, her family (who suspiciously looked like my uncle's family), my roommate Jim, and a talking Jack Russell terrier. This dream just reinforces my feeling about painkillers in general: they scare the crap out of me- they fuck you up.
It's too bad because prescription drugs, like the Percocet I've been prescribed, are now the most commonly used drugs in high school, surpassing even pot. And teachers wonder why high school kids are getting more and more fucked up.
Is that you God?
A Trail Gone Cold
11 months ago
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