
Haiku- 16

Welcome nothingness
Is neither hopeless nor ill
Just floating on by

Alice and handguns

First, I'll provide you all with something hypnotic that I stumbled upon about a month back. It's been getting play on blogs all over the internet recently and seems to becoming a vial video. It's a song by an electronic musician where all of the melody is made up of samples from Alice in Wonderland. It's quite hypnotic. The video is at the bottom of this post.

Second, I have this to share. Frankly, I can't say I'm too surprised considering that I assume most Americans are retarded (see the pandering all the candidates have been doing and must continue to do). A car dealership in Missouri is offering a free handgun or a $250 gas card with a purchase of a car. Most have chosen the handgun. You know what's the best thing about all this? The reason why this dealer is doing this is in response to Barak Obama's comment that midwesterners deserve sympathy for "clinging to their guns and their Bibles." The dealer says he was offended by that statement and decided to react by- reinforcing that stereotype. Brilliant!

With a slight migraine,

PS- here's the video


Some housekeeping

I lost my entire hard drive. If I'm not doing too much here, it's because I'm busy getting things back into working condition for me.

Doing my best tech support guy impression,

Note to my readers if any actually exist...

Hello readers (if there actually are any out there of course)!

Greg here. I've been writing this blog for a few months now updating it pretty frequently about a myriad of topics (honestly, mostly politics and my personal bitching- explicit or implicit). I was just curious to see if I actaully have readers.

Given the lack of comments I get, I would like to ask you guys (again, if there are any of you out there) a favor: leave comments. It does two things, 1) lets me know I'm not just writing for myself and 2) gives me input on my own content so I can change it up for you guys. Comments in many more successful blogs really add to whatever post the comments are on. Even if they're not really suggestions of comments on the topic, just leave one to say hi or something. I get awfully lonely in the florescent light of my laptop. Thanks folks.

In the florescence of my laptop screen,


TV, baseball, movies, and life reflections

This is me talking about anything and everything that I haven't mentioned.

First of all, my school kicks ass at lacrosse. We crushed Duke's dreams yet again- that's 3 out of the last 4 years, the one year that we didn't crush Duke's dreams, they were crushed by an ill organized house party and the subsequent allegations of rape. As a result of that one particular event, they've become pariahs that the popular media roots for. Oh well, we put those little bitches in their place. I have no sympathy for them. (My, I am quite the ruthless fan!)

Second is TV in general. I've been doing a lot of watching recently- mostly online ironically enough. The four shows I watch regularly, The Office, House M.D, Scrubs, and The Big Bang Theory, all saw their season finales.

The Office
's end was satisfactory and leaves me yearning for more. I hope they have some interesting things planned for season 5 and whatever their spinoff will be.

's season finale was also great. They kill off a semi-major character that viewers have become accustomed to- they teased it in seasons past, but they actually did it. I was impressed. Those two shows were examples of shows that did positive things despite the writers strike.

"season finale" was a disappointment, especially considering the gaffe in continuity (involving Dr. Kelso- that's all I'll say). They really suffered because this would have been the last seaons if it weren't for the strike. After all the finale was what was supposed to be the 9th episode of the season- the true finale is put off. They have to put it off for one more year- which isn't so bad, but it'll be on a differnt network at a different time- what a bitch.

The Big Bang Theroy
's seaons finale was too good- I need to know what happens next. My enthusiasm for that particular show says too much about what I think of myself. Oh well.

Moving on, how about those Yankees? They actually put together a winning streak. Starting pitching hasn't absolutely bombed while the offense is finally living up to the "Bronx Bomber" nickname. I'm glad that Jason Giambi (and his golden thong), Robinson Cano and Alex Rodriguez decided to join us. You know what will make me happy, IPK to continue pitching like he did a couple of nights ago, Phil Hughes to pitch like Phil Huges once he comes back, and Joba being Joba in the starting rotation. Then I'll be a happy Yankee fan.

I haven't said too much about the medium known as cinema in a long time. I just saw the new Indiana Jones movie. What'd I think? Well it's not going to be the best movie I'll see all summer, but it was fun. I think it was so difficult to top the first three, especially with an older Indiana Jones. The Communists are upset about it, but we needed a dastardly enemy to the same effect as the Nazis in Raiders. In a lot of ways, this movie was an homage to Raiders. The enemy uses and pursues the same thing Jones does, Marion is literally back, and the sequencing of the action and plot movement are parallel. Plus, the bad guys both melt at the end. But I will say, aliens are kinda ridiculous. Fun film still, I recommend it with a large tub of popcorn.

I saw Iron Man back when it opened at the Senator theater about a month back- YES GO SEE IT IT'S AWESOME OMG!!1 Robert Downey Jr. as an actor really carried that film considering how limited Iron Man's actual presence in the film was. Plus there was the little cameo in the end (after the credits) that has me excited.

On to life. I don't have much to say about that. Read my haikus, I say plenty in those.

On and about,


You want to talk about electability?

Who wants to about electability? I understand what the reality is at the moment when talking about potential Democratic party nominees. It seems Obama has it all wrapped up- all Clinton has to hope for is an assassination or some miraculous deal at or before the convention. Take a look at this graphic to the right.

What's it about? The graph is a general election poll. Although I have no idea who conducted the poll, the general idea behind this is that the blue-colored states are states that both Obama and Clinton both beat McCain, the Red states are states McCain won regardless of democratic nominee. The brown states are sates where only Obama beat McCain and the pink states are states that only Clinton beat Obama. Just looking at the differecne between pink and brown states, Clinton has an advantage in the electoral college. That's just straight electability for you.

Here's the breakdown:
  • The map is from http://www.electoral-vote.com accessed 5/24/08
  • Democrats will win 200 votes from the electoral college regardless of candidate.
  • McCain will win 144 votres from the electoral college regardless of the democratic candidate.
  • An Obama nomination will provide the Democrats with another 66 college votes and the Republicans 114 college votes. Final tally is D-266 vs. R-258.
  • A Clinton nomination will provide the Democrats with another 114 college votes and the Republicans with 66 college votes. Final tally is D-314 vs. R- 210
  • The numbers were too close in to call Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes- those 10 votes weren't accounted for in the tallies above.
So the short version is this: an Obama nomination will prove to be a much closer presidential race with McCain possibly winning (if the Republicans win Wisconsin). A Clinton nomination is projected to be a definitive victory.

What does this mean? Hillary Clinton is the more electable candidate for the Democrats, at least according to the poll above. I guess this means the nations is less sexist than racist. My opinion? I've reiterated that a couple times on this blog. I prefer Clinton, but I'm cool with Obama- very cool. That's all I got for now.

Wishing for a Democratic victory in November,

Song of the Week- 5/24/08

This week's song is "Supernothing" by Catch-22.

Changing things up a little bit- giving you some ska now that I'm back on the Island. "Supernothing" is from Catch-22's classic album Keasbey Nights which was later remade by Streetlight Manifesto (that version of this song isn't bad either). This song is ska at it's best featuring guitar, bass, drums and horns (trombone, sax and trumpets for the most part) all playing quickly with emphasis on the quick upbeats played by the guitar. The yelling/singing style is typical of it.

What's the reasoning behind chosing this song? Well like I've said, it's changing things up a little and plus I've spent my first two weeks here at home as a supernothing myself. Hopefully I can change that up. Enjoy the song.



Haiku- 15

Future's dark shadow
The whim was not so fleeting
Courage in the fall


I'm still alive, don't call the police- yet

Things have been slow recently.

First, I just want to make a brief comment about the long death march that has been the Democratic primaries: it's all but over- Hillary, do yourself a favor, save some face and bow out of the race before the convention. I've read a rumor that Ms. Clinton will retire from politics if she doesn't win the nomination- I've also read that she's gearing up for a potential 2012 bid. I am a reasonable American, registered with the Democratic party. Losing Hillary Clinton is a bad thing- she's not the psuedo-Republican the blog community is making her out to be. But at the same time, Hillary, don't be a sore looser. Retire? Yeah right, don't even joke about that. And gear up for 2012? Is that claim instigating that McCain is a lock for presidency (wouldn't be such a bad thing really if this were true- would probably work well with a democratic congress) if Obama gets the nomination? Don't be so silly, the political age is changing in America- this upcoming election will be one of those milestone elections that will be studied in AP US History classes everywhere. The pendulum is back on the 'liberal' side of the political spectrum now. I love your policies for the most part, but it's this kind of sulking pretention that is turning off voters from you Ms. Clinton! That's all.

Now, other things. Like I've said, things have been slow. I've slowly been sifting through the dregs of the job market now that a lot of kids have come back for the summer. It's not looking pretty. The lesson here? Jump on that summer shit in the winter- don't fuck around until the spring when the semester to make you assume the position (and rape you). Oh well, I guess I'll don the cape of the blue collar woker.

In dim lighting, still,


The perils of the job market

So the school year for me is over and now I have to enter the job market so I don't feel like a miserable freeloader. And it is only now how depressing I understand the job market to be for someone like me with no particularly unique skills (I should learn how to use Final Cut Pro so at least I can do that! also, I don't think being awesome is a unique skill). The best thing I've found so far? Delivery boy- ain't that depressing?

Oh well. I should try to enjoy the first few weeks of summer at the very least, shouldn't I? If I got nothing by June, then I'll worry- I mean really worry. Oh well. So much for this pointless blog entry.

In dim lighting,


Haiku -14

Baltimore, New York
I'm comfortable just the same
My reality


Song of the Week - 5/17/08 (End of Sophomore Year Edition)

Got back home the other day, my sophomore year is over. I literally handed in my last assignment an hour before I was in my car driving home.

So this week, I give to you "Casimir Pulaski Day" by Sufjan Stevens. Why this song? Well this morning was the first morning in nearly a month where a small wave of anxiety didn't strike me as soon as I woke up- there were no papers, no tests, no quizzes, no nothing to worry about. I laid in bed awake with the beams of the sun streaming into the room I was in giving a soft feeling to the white carpet and the wood panels that make up the walls. It was peaceful.

That would be the one adjective I would use to describe this particular song. In its entirety, the song is soothing and peaceful. Sufjan Stevens also paints the little details in his lyrics- the type of details that makes a scene in a well written narrative stand out and familiar to a reader. For some reason, I get the impression that there's something lovely that he's describing despite the dour cancer he describes in the opening line. Despite the difficulty or unpleasantness, there's familiarity and comfort. I can say for sure that, at least this morning, that's what I had. Away from one world I love, into another. It was a good year, it'll be a good summer.


With regards,


The summer and the Office

Two things: First, I have a bad feeling about this coming summer. Usually, I'd be excited to go back home and get back to life there, but right now, I can't say I'm too excited. I have a feeling that the summer will feel like three and a half months of attrition that I'll have survive.

Second, I also have a bad feeling about The Office. Like I've mentioned before, I've become a fan. Within the last two weeks, between finals and papers, I've watched all the episodes of The Office. Today was the season finale of season 4 and I'm kinda feeling like the show's jumped the shark. I hope it hasn't.

With mild urgency,

And then there was one...

Yep, so I'm the only one left now. The entire suite is bare and empty- it feels like a penitentiary. Pretty much done with packing, the only thing left to do is finish the last paper I have left: a 15 pager for American Grand Strategy. Gonna pull an allnighter for this one so expect late night updates while I'm procrastinating. Stocking up on a couple of Red Bulls and drinking coffee soon enough. The goal is to finish without legitimately loosing my sanity. Wish me luck, have a good summer.

With focus and determination,


Haiku- 13

Away goes the sun
Give me energy and strength
Burn that midnight lamp

Into insanity, part II

It's interesting that the creative juices flow best when mental stability is most questionable. Over the course of the last two weeks, I feel like my tendency for perfectionism has boosted my anxiety and stress over finals. This increased anxiety and stress have provided me a cocktail where I can easily see the other side of the line of sanity. The duress hasn't persuaded me to cross that line, but I can see clearly the other side for the first time in a long time.

It's when looking into this eerily familiar landscape that I see representation of life (art) manifest itself to me slowly. The question is this: what can I do to capture this particular representation? I'm not nearly creative enough when it comes to melody or lyrics, I haven't created a craft object since elementary school, nor have I seriously painted or drew. All I have is writing. But am I any good at this?

So what do I see beyond the threshold of sanity? Well a lot of things show up initially the key is sorting through all the data and capturing what seems like the most worthwhile. I'm just babbling right now because I feel the need to procrastinate. I'll elaborate on the creative side of this insanity if I'm able to grasp it still 4 days for now.

I know I'm going to get this done- it may be a bit painful, but pain is usually only temporary.

Keeping hope,


Hits keep on comin'

A week ago, a cyclone devistated Burma, killing around 100,000 people. This week, we have a earthquake that killed 12,000 people so far. There's more than double that number of people still buried under the rubble in Sichuan province alone. These things are happening more often it seems.

Acknowledging the ending of the World,


Gooooooooood morning!

It's 3:15 AM, do you know where your overachieving, perfectionist, Hopkins students are?

My mom and dad should be told I'm in the library and will be until sunrise. Boy-o-boy!

In tired delirium,

PS- My sanity is slowly slipping away!


Song of the Week (Strikes Back!) - 5/10/2008

After a haitus of a couple of weeks, the song of the week returns with "Kid on my Shoulder" by the White Rabbits.

I was introduced to the White Rabbits when they opened for Spoon when I saw them a month ago. They're a really interesting band with a unique sound. The band, for one, has two drummers/percussionists, two lead vocalists, and utilizes piano to the best effects of indie rock. Want proof? Watch the video underneath.

They're best at creating overarching hooks in their melodic themes. Did that last sentence mean anything to you? I hope it did despite the jargon I decided to use to describe it. Honestly though, the really unique thing about their sound is how they can create a melody out of a wall of instrument sounds. At first, many of their songs just sound like a lot of notes being bashed out. That sound slowly morphs into a really hooky melody that ensnares the listener- causing the latter to bob their heads incessantly. Their best songs are when there's a strong piano part to give them their unique brooding drive. This is all not mentioning the vocals and lyrics which are full of very melodramatic tones and themes that those teen kids will eat up like- like candy.

This particular song has all the above and provides the added bonus in that there are two general melodic themes that us listeners get to enjoy. The bridge and verses of these songs are two different melodies that each have their own unique appeal to a given listener. Just see (listen?) for yourself.

Well that's it for now, enjoy.

In procrastination- still,

Haiku- 12

Why so serious?
An existential crisis?
No- deadlines to meet.

The pains of addiction

Addictions are horrible. Especially when you develop them when you need to be productive.

Through the course of finals this semester, I've become addicted to The Office. Now this is particularly bad because I haven't really been a regular viewer and I need to catch up to what's going on now. Have you tried to write a research paper, a final paper and study for a final while trying to get through three seasons of a particularly brilliant TV show? It's real hard.

To think I may be busting my balls right now, but in a week and a half, I'll be free of obligations- academic obligations at the very least.

In procrastination,


Into insanity

I am slowly descending into insanity as I speak/type. I am descending into my mind's heart of darkness. Reread that last sentence. I'm going to be burnt out really soon.

In slipping mental functions,


When it rains...

It pours.

Myanmar hasn't had a good calendar year. Between unrest though a struggle for democracy back in the fall and the death of at least 22,000 people due to a cyclone, it hasn't been a good calendar year.

A couple nights ago, while working on a paper, I'd periodically check in on the headlines on Yahoo! to kill some time. As hours past, I saw "Cyclone in Myanmar kills 200," become "Cyclone in Myanmar kills at least 1000" in a matter of an hour. I was watching as the news was slowly grasping at the reality of what had happened. Now, a day after the fact, the number climbed all the way up to 22,000.

Look back at the number I put up: 22,000. Do you understand the magnitude of that number? That's a lot of human lives. Let me put that in context. The September 11th attacks claimed 2,974 dead with another 24 missing. The worst American natural disaster in recent memory, Hurricane Katrina, claimed 1,836 lives with another 705 missing and hundreds of thousands displaced. The cyclone in Myanmar took more than 10 times the amount of lives Katrina did, and on top of that, up to 41,000 people are still missing and around a million people are homeless/displaced. Remember, this is in Myanmar not the United States- two and a half years isn't enough time in the United States to have "healed the wounds" of Katrina- how long will it take to recover in Myanmar?

This has to be one of the worst natural disasters in recorded human history (actually, it isn't- mental_floss made a list of the 10 worst). Is it me or do we see something like this happen every year or so? It feels to me people are less phased by this type of news- that is a very bad thing.

For those of you that do, pray for Myanmar.

In dumbfoundedness,


"I didn't vote for Bush- I WASN'T EVEN BORN YET!"

Breaking my hiatus for a brief moment, this was too good not to post.

Here we have two 4 year old democrats debating contemporary politics. Good stuff.

Final thought on this current upcoming election: First, let me preface this by saying that political elections in this country are never about the issues- it rarely is and the trend won't change because the issues are inherently "elitist"- they're difficult to understand by the common voter (being an "elitist" isn't a bad thing- it just means being smarter than the normal Joe). Elections are all about who seems like a leader the individual voter will like better. American electoral politics is personality-focused. I'm writing this while keeping so-called "elect-ability" in mind.

This long battle between Hillary Clinton and Barak "Barry" Obama is both good and bad. First it's good because it gives both candidates a reason to build up experience in all 50 states- they'll be familiar with the whole campaigning thing by the time one (maybe both) of them have to face McCain. Second, it's bad because the longer this continues, the more likely each side is alienating the supporters from the other. This is most problematic for the democrats if Barak Obama gets the nomination because more moderate voters tend to be Clinton supporters- they may find McCain more appealing than Obama.

Regarding the issues, I frankly don't care. I don't see enough of a difference between Obama and Clinton to form a solid opinion for one or the other. As far as personality goes, Hilary Clinton's appearance on the Bill O'Reily show confirmed what I thought: Hilary Clinton is a bitch who won't take shit from anyone- that's the kind of leader I want when they're dealing with, oh I don't know, say-Vladimir Putin.

Either way, this is what American democracy is- don't bitch about this, please. Personally I think a Clinton-Obama ticket is unbeatable and most desirable- it consolidates both groups of supporters under the Democratic Party's ticket, it also gives Obama 4 to 8 years to dispel any current "inexperience" claims against him and lets him get his feet wet on the national and international political scene.

I hope you all can see my latent dislike for the mindlessness of national elections in this country (actually, any country that holds elections). Issues are addressed in the legislative branch and the 3 years of "dead space" between presidential elections anyway- this is no time for issues. I guess with a society with a media that feasts on sensationalism it makes sense that elections are as ridiculous as they are anyway.

This turned into a rant- really quickly too.

Quick question: If you were Senators Obama or Clinton, would you accept a Vice Presidential position over your seat in congress, especially considering that within the 4/8 years of the election you would probably be the majority leader? Is VP still the political black hole it used to be? If Dick Cheney taught us anything, the answer is no, isn't it?

Oh well, so much for all that, back to my papers and finals!

With cynical frustration,

PS - Happy Cinco De Mayo.