I've decided to peek my head out of my little hole and here I am.
It's been an awful while since I've posted anything. It's not like I haven't been doing any writing or thinking- honestly I don't know why I was on that hiatus. Anyhow much has happened since, but I guess nothing is really worth noting. Still back at GO, just without the extra $200 is all.
I've been writing again recently and have been keeping a physical paper journal for the first time since middle school. Physically writing is a trip- it's a different experience. It's a different connection to the medium. Typing, you're just almost mechanically plunking away on the keyboard. It feels detached. Pen-and-paper writing is more intimate. There's a tangible writing utensil you must use in order to make your mark on the clean sheet of paper. After a little while, the joints in your writing hand go numb, then sore. You have to take a break to shake that out, only to realize that your own handwriting curiously resembles cuneiform. No matter though, you're only writing for the sake of writing, you probably weren't going to read it again anyhow. Yep, that's what it is.
But anyhow, I'm back now and I'll try to keep it up (I've said that in 7 of my last 10 entries).
Writing again,
A Trail Gone Cold
11 months ago
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