Hello, hello, and greetings to all from the depths of the Milton S. Eisenhower Library at Johns Hopkins University! I've currently been in here for the last 7 hours or so writing a paper (I'm so screwed). Enough about me- let me say some things that's been on my mind recently.
First thing, the Oscars were this past weekend. A couple of thoughts: I'm very pleased the academy didn't pull a clunker like last year giving Scorsese Best Picture for the piece of crap that was The Departed. (I understand the man deserved an Oscar after all those horrible snubbs, but The Departed, frankly, sucked.) No Country For Old Men deserved every reward it earned. I might go as far and say it was snubbed a couple awards, namely for Sound Editing. I mean, The Borne Ultimatium won for that but before No Country, did anyone know what a silenced shotgun sounded like? did the subtle background noises (or lack thereof) not add to the dark intensity of the film? I feel horrible for PT Anderson and There Will Be Blood. It was such a great film its own right but didn't get the recognition it could have gotten had it been released another year. I was pleased that Daniel Day-Lewis got the Oscar for Best Actor- he deserved that one ("I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE- I DRINK IT UP!" might be one of the greatest lines ever). One last thing I'll say about this: how did Cate Blanchett not win Best Supporting Actress for her role in I'm Not There? I mean, during the film, I forgot it was a woman playing this Bob Dylan character. I think that was the most upsetting thing about this year's Academy Awards for me.
Another thing: I've been sitting here in the library for the last couple hours and I've come to the conclusion that the soundtrack to Amelie might be the best thing to listen to while studying. First, it's great mood music- makes you want to be active or productive or something. Second, it makes you feel great- you want to be happy or in love or something. It's perfect. I recommend you listen to it while studying or doing work the next time.
It hurts me to try and follow the primaries right now. So much crap being flung back and fourth in the media... it makes me ashamed of studying this. I really hate electoral politics right now- if you want to talk about the nonsensical and petty character of politics, congress is no better (don't they have anything better to do?).
I'm gonna go get another cup of coffee (is that number 7 today?) and get back to work now. I have a long night ahead of me.
Edit: One more thing: This coming Thursday (March 6) I'll be preforming stand up with 13 other comics from Hopkins at the Arnello Theater in the basement of Levering. This is prelims for DC Improv's funniest college competition. The show will feature 13 of us, me included, and 3 professional comics, one as a host and two as the closing acts. If you guys aren't doing anything, please come support us. Thanks a lot.
A Trail Gone Cold
11 months ago
1 comment:
Greg, you didn't like THE DEPARTED?! I love you man, but we may have to get in a fight.
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