It's a day late- I know. But here it is, the song of the week. This week I present to you all a classic. It's called "Bring it on Home to Me" originally done by Sam Cooke.
I've been singing this song to myself all week. What sets this song from other 60s motown? Honestly, not too much but I'm still in love with the song. The version I first heard is a cover done by Spoon. Here's a link to that version. It's a really simple song for what it is- it's verse-chorus-verse, there's no real bridge, it uses a really simple I-IV-V chord progression but there are all these hooks regardless. It's something you can improvise with and jam with and it's full of hooks. My favorite is the echoing "yeahs" between the two singers that really hooks you in.
To me, this is a summer song. It's a song I can hear as I see a familiar face of a friend I haven't seen in months. It's a song I can hear while waiting to get into Yankee Stadium for a day game. It's a song I can hear playing while I watch the heat waves emanate from the asphalt. It's a song I can hear while I'm enjoying a cold bottle of Coke while the sun beats down on my brow. It's a song I can hear as me and my friends are piling into a couple of cars after spending the day a the beach. It's a song I can hear playing as the skies darken and pours torrents of rain to cool the earth after a long heatwave. It's a song I can hear playing while I watch my hometown get smaller in the rearview mirror as I make my drive back to Baltimore at the end of the Summer. Just bring it to me, bring it on home to me- yea.
Wishing you all a happy June,
A Trail Gone Cold
11 months ago
1 comment:
Sam Cooke was never on Motown. I love the song though. Too bad he died really young under mysterious circumstances.
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