Well, summer just started a week ago, the summer movie season is in full swing. Unfortunately I can't say I've watched too many of the ones I wanted to get to. I only had the chance to see Iron Man and Indiana Jones- I'm itching to see The Hulk, Get Smart, and Wall-E. But above all these, there's one film I've been waiting for this summer: The Dark Knight. It's slated to come out July 18th- less than a month away.
The trailers have all left me personally wanting more- this Batman looks nothing like any TV or film Batmans before (the best before this was probably Batman: The Animated Series). The Joker is a sadistic anarchist with a sick sense of humor- getting the camp out of the classic image of the Joker. Chris Nolan isn't going to skimp and effort for a film now, especially after beauties like Batman Begins and Memento.
The list of talent is impressive as well. Christian Bale and Heath Ledger are/were in consideration for best actor of our generation- ditto for Maggie Gyllenhaal but for best female actor. Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine are excellent actors who provide well-seasoned talent in playing 'mentor' characters.
All signs point to a movie that's being hyped tremendously.
Well VH1 got a viewing of The Dark Knight and put up a review of it. What's their verdict? "It's the best Batman movie ever made, hands down."
Who's excited?
In growing anticipation,
A Trail Gone Cold
11 months ago
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