
Winter Solstice

December 21st,
The first day of winter,
The darkest day
Of the year.

We need the
To appreciate
The beauty
Of light in our lives.

I think I can see
It - the beacon
Of light
At the end
Of this dark tunnel.


Winter's Peace

A soft light — bright— streams in through the window,
Diffused by the snow falling outside.
The oil burner purrs beneath the floor.
Arise from patchwork quilts and comforters,
Groggy as the cold air prickles my skin.
The bed beckons me—a warm and soft bosom
To fall into and slowly drift away,
But no, I cannot stay. I dress myself with

Tube sox, cotton long-johns, a worn out tee,
Old blue jeans and a college sweatshirt,
Rubber-soled boots and black-wool gloves, a hat—
Or more fittingly: a little beanie—
A long black wool coat (like ones worn by Suits),
And a red scarf that’s wrapped around my neck.
The funk of morning, and my hair a-strewn
Under a fabric cocoon. I look out

With a plastic shovel in woolen hand.
A wall of cold beyond the threshold of
My door greets me as I begin to scrape.
As the plastic drags, an igloo takes form,
Reminding me of childhood revelry.
The ancient great evergreen in my yard,
Taunts me as I clear a path, dropping snow
Exactly where I’ll go. I take a break

And watch my breath condense and the snow
Around me in the shadow-less daylight.
Houses on my block, uniform in white,
And the only soul around: only me.
Yes the snow is falling, but I am not—
I stand still, all alone, and I listen,
But I cannot hear a thing—Absolute
Silence. I will take refuge in the peace

In the falling snow,
In its solitude.


Haiku - 52

Losing sense of time,
Buried by obligations -
Just want to go home.


Haiku - 51

Feelings just don't die.
They only linger until
They just normalize.


Haiku - 50

The sky is falling
Slowly, one drop at a time.
It's only raining.

Haiku - 49

Give a dog a bone
And he will eat for a day
Or be sore for two.


Haiku - 48

Look, a single thread
Is lost in a tapestry -
A part of the whole.


Haiku - 47

Keep in mind always:
When running in a forest
Trees pack quite a punch.


Haiku - 46

Please do not bury.
While I may seem to be dead,
I'm only sleeping.


Haiku - 45

Petals on the floor
She loves me, she loves me not -
Withering away.


Haiku - 44

This is what we have:
Don't worry about later
Moments are fleeting.



Dig, man, dig!
Break the soft earth!
Shovel after shovel,
Toss the soil aside.

Its roar is thunderous
Shaking the foundations.
Desolation in its shadow,
Consuming the core – that ravenous beast.

Dig, man, dig!
Keep on grinding!
Shovel after shovel,
Toss the future aside.

It looms over us with
Eyes of fire burning.
Ambition seems impossible,
Consuming hope – that vengeful beast.

Dig, man, dig!
Keep your head down!
Shovel after shovel,
Toss your will aside.

Freedom is fleeting as
Commands are barked.
Hands are bound,
Consuming liberty – that onerous beast.

Dig, man, dig!
This trench, this grave!
Shovel after shovel,
Toss reason aside.

Standing side-by-side,
Watch siblings fall,
Fathers die and mothers cry.
Consuming families – that terrible beast.



In the seasons- as they pass my window-
Everywhere I look, all I see is you.
The floating weeds of summer- your fine hair,
The breezy autumn air- your fair spirit,
The pristine winter snow- your complexion,
The blooms of spring- your efflorescent look.
Your dulcet beauty, undeniable,
But my love is always surreptitious.

In my solitude, I am a voyeur.
The oppressive summer- my avid thirst,
The fol’age of autumn- my impotence,
The barren winter- my ephemeral hope,
The torrents of spring- my sodden spirit.
Half empty glasses are before my eyes.


A birdie got trapped in my house the other day-
In a cage (but not an actual cage).
She landed on a couch, comfortably sweet.
I asked the birdie what she had to say.
“Poo tee tweet?” she asked, quoting Vonnegut.

She flew in circles and into windows.
The percussive thuds of her feathered body
Made me cringe and squirm for the frightened bird.
I thought: “I have to direct where she goes-
“I will be a shepherd.” I ran around,

Trying to fly her towards an open door.
I waved my arms and made yelping noises,
Feeling silly chasing this little ball of feathers.
Little plumes and droppings all on my floor
Because the fear was hers. She flew away,

Through the open door and into the blue.
I was successful but kind of down.
It took two hours, the entire affair
And after I realized there was more I could do
To show I care. I understand now,

How my parents must have felt- eighteen years
In a cage (but not an actual cage),
Waving their arms about, directing me
Towards a way out and soothing fears
Yet unknown to me. But at the end,

Instead of exhausted relief,
You both worry and care.
I take that for granted at times,
So allow me the time now to say:
“Thanks mom and dad.”

Haiku - 43

Black or white no more.
Complexity and chaos
Turns everything gray.


A Tuesday (a poem)

A Tuesday, cool and breezy
Red, orange, yellow and brown
Splattered beneath the blue sky.

Past the gym and up the stairs,
Up on the third floor,
Can see the Steel gleaming.
I turn the knob twice past zero
Twenty-six, pass it again
Thirteen, straight to forty-four—
Slam it shut.
Books under arm,
Beat the bell, get to class.

A Tuesday, cool and breezy—
Until I’m interrupted during fourth-period study hall.

It’s the intercom:
Students, faculty and staff—
There has been an incident
At the World Trade Center.
Please remain calm.
Everything will be alright.
That is all.

The students are confused.
That was strange,
What was that about?

English is next.
Sit down in a seat.
Teacher is crying,
And we whisper, wonder.
Teacher stands up,
Students fall silent.
Teacher’s voice quivers.

A knock on the door—
My friends are leaving
Parents are frightened.

History is on the third floor.
The blinds are drawn,
The room is dark.
The television is on:
The blooms of fire,
The cascading Steel,
The ash snowing down,
The exodus of the Island,
The teary-eyed pleads for
The lost that cannot be found,
All flash by in the ghastly glow
And brand our memories.

A knock on the door—
More friends are leaving
Parents are frightened.

Can’t go out for lunch—
School’s on lockdown.
Go up to the third floor,
Look out a window:
An abyss stares back.
A dark plume mars the blue.
A furnace burns over the river,
But Tuesday is cool—almost cold.

What’s going on?
What happened?
Is this the end?
No—a beginning.

A Tuesday, cool and breezy
Revealed a world, cold and surreal,
And all I can see are shades of gray.


Haiku - 42

My only regret
When finishing the day
Wish I had more time


Strange Dreams

I've recently started dreaming again.

I stopped in my junior year of high school. It was just another fall night, with another dream, but it'd be the last one I would have for a little while.

I am walking with my two brothers in an open strip mall. The air is crisp- the sky, clear save a couple of cotton-ball clouds. We are heading towards a Starbucks. As we approached, a blinding flash fills the sky ahead of us. I can feel a breeze pick up and rustle my shirt. I fight the polka-dots to try and see. The breeze becomes a wind. I look up and I watch a dark pillar rise up and encroaching the blue sky. Those cotton-ball clouds quickly fled away. The wind is physically blowing me over. I see the ripples of a shock wave emanating out from the dark pillar of fire. I turn and grab my brothers' heads, tuck them them into my chest, and huddle against the concrete foundation of the Starbucks. I feel the ground beginning to shake. The windows break, raining little beads of glass upon us. A deafening roar fill my ears. The wind is becoming hot. I can't open my eyes. I can't breathe, my throat is dry. It burns. I feel blisters rising, my skin is boiling. I feel dizzy. The pillar of fire overtakes me. I see nothing.

I wake up. The pulse in my temple is pounding, my breathing is short and quick, I'm covered in beads of cold sweat. I died in my dream.

In retrospect the dream was strange because in my waking life, I rarely went to Starbucks in the first place. I also thought it was strange that I died in my dream- knowing the urban legend I thought I should be dead. Clearly I wasn't, so that was good. What wasn't good was that I wouldn't dream again until the summer of my junior year in college- a full 4 years and not one single remembered dream.

I can't remember exactly what my first dream back was about. I know I've been dreaming because as I awoke, I fell out of my bed confused and startled to actually be waking up. The dream escaped me in disorientation.

Familiar faces, fuzzy words, fragments of a porcelain jar, a flight through midtown, amorphous settings that change unnoticed, a sense of urgency, a sense of calm. It's great to dream again.


It's been a long time

I've decided to peek my head out of my little hole and here I am.

It's been an awful while since I've posted anything. It's not like I haven't been doing any writing or thinking- honestly I don't know why I was on that hiatus. Anyhow much has happened since, but I guess nothing is really worth noting. Still back at GO, just without the extra $200 is all.

I've been writing again recently and have been keeping a physical paper journal for the first time since middle school. Physically writing is a trip- it's a different experience. It's a different connection to the medium. Typing, you're just almost mechanically plunking away on the keyboard. It feels detached. Pen-and-paper writing is more intimate. There's a tangible writing utensil you must use in order to make your mark on the clean sheet of paper. After a little while, the joints in your writing hand go numb, then sore. You have to take a break to shake that out, only to realize that your own handwriting curiously resembles cuneiform. No matter though, you're only writing for the sake of writing, you probably weren't going to read it again anyhow. Yep, that's what it is.

But anyhow, I'm back now and I'll try to keep it up (I've said that in 7 of my last 10 entries).

Writing again,


Haiku - 41

Clueless and happy
But when reminded again
Shadows over soul


Haiku - 40

Float down a river
Without a care in the world
How nice that would be!


Haiku - 39

Lost my train of thought
When amusement is easy
It's hazy inside


haiku - 38

A culture of waste
What will be left at the end?
Just desolation.


Haiku - 37

Who is a hero?
The fool who is brave and strong
A minute longer


Haiku - 36

Flurries floating by
Immaculate white cover
Perfect solitude


Haiku - 35

Coughing, exhaustion
Phlegm in the head, a feaver
Alas, a sickness!

Haiku - 34

Cowardice is fine
As long as progress is not
Kinetics, courage


Haiku - 33

This Valentine’s Day
I only have one request
Simply put: be mine


Haiku - 32

Be careful with words
Consider connotations
All's easier said


Haiku - 31

Incandescent bulbs
Burns without regard for you
Admire the light


Haiku - 30

A lucky penny
Found heads up on the sidewalk
Fortune’s on my side


Hell almost froze over...

...until Santonio Holmes made sure it didn't. Congrats to the Pittsburgh Steelers, the only NFL team to have won 6 Super Bowls.

Some clean up to do

Alright- I'm going to start blogging more any day now...

Alright, from now on, there will be no more music on old sox with holes. I'm creating a separate music blog. The blog's called The Spirit Farm and it's at http://thespiritfarm.blogspot.com.

So what's going to be left on this blog? Haikus, my thought nuggets about current events, politics and life itself. It's ambitious of me to maintain two blogs, lets alone one- but I'm gonna try anyway.

In nice weather,


My blogging habit

So I've noticed a trend. It seems to me that I blog more frequently when I'm instant messaging/emailing the most often. I stopped blogging from the 2nd half of last summer till the end of this past semester. Likewise, my IMing has been less frequent during those dates.

I want to blog more frequently. Thus I should probably IM and email more often as well. Help me meet these goals my IMing the crap out of me. My AIM SN is but greg says. Hit me up.

Sitting in a warm room,


A new hope

Today, the United States of America will swear in their 44th president, Barack Hussein Obama II.

Now I can talk about a lot of thing. I can talk about how terrible and inept our 43rd president was; I can talk about what an Obama administration means to this nation- a nation where a black man at one time was worth only 3/5ths of one; I can talk about the man's celebrity; I can talk about the challenges President Obama faces- the worst economic downturn since the great depressions, the Middle East imploding, Russia becomming redder, an incredibly inefficient and imperiled American welfare state.

I want to talk about- I'm sure you're tired of this word- hope. On the night of Novemember 4th, 2008, I watched as the City of Baltimore celebrate. People were out in the streets into the wee hours of the morning, fireworks were being shot in the sky- this is what hope does to people. More than anything, the Obama administration is hope- hope that the next 4 years will be different, maybe better. Since September 11, 2001, hope has been hard to come by. At the moment, there's pleanty of it



Song of the Week- January 10, 2009

Ah the first Song of the Week for the new year! For this occasion I present "In the New Year" by The Walkmen.

This was probably my favorite song of 2008. The Walkmen released a surprisingly great album last year called You & Me. I think it's their best album- it captures their sound to a T. My friend likes to describe this song as Lou Reed actually making music. I don't think that's too far off. The instrumentation gets large-hall reverb treatment giving it a very vast and sparse sound. The song begins with a clanging guitar with singer Hamilton Leithauser's coming in a few bars later. "Oh I'm still living/ At the old address" he starts. Lyrically, the song sounds like it's written by a loser- a loser in the literal sense of the word: the narrator has many losses under his belt. It's a song about yearning for something better in the new year. This mood really comes out in the chorus as Leithauser's singing becomes a pained howl. This mood is complimented with the ascending organ lick, giving it a hopeful flair- suggesting "yes, most defiantly in the new year."

Alright that's with that. Enjoy

With the cans on,


Haiku- 29

Pissed off driving home
Until no red lights are met
Tiny joys of life

Here's to me working on my New Year's resolution!

I resolved to blog again. So here I am.

I had a spare moment to kill. I'm going to be spending the next few days recovering from getting three teeth removed. I'm hopped up on Percocet, swollen, and bleeding.

Funny thing painkillers do to a person's psyche. I never remember my dreams- I haven't for a couple years now. But I remember mine from last night- the night I went to bed after popping two of those round little white pills. It was a strange dream. It took place in some strange Baltimore/Ashbury Park boardwalk hybrid and starred me, my first brother Daniel, my high school crush, her family (who suspiciously looked like my uncle's family), my roommate Jim, and a talking Jack Russell terrier. This dream just reinforces my feeling about painkillers in general: they scare the crap out of me- they fuck you up.

It's too bad because prescription drugs, like the Percocet I've been prescribed, are now the most commonly used drugs in high school, surpassing even pot. And teachers wonder why high school kids are getting more and more fucked up.

Is that you God?


Haiku- 28

The days come and go
Nothing ever seems to change
Just more of the same

Happy New Year

It's the first day of 2009. 2008 was an interesting year wasn't it? We elected our first black president, come to the realization that America isn't as progressive as we thought in terms of civil rights for homosexuals, witnessed the most politically polarizing and dramatic election in our history, became intimate with Alaska, watched as financial institutions crumbed, got acquainted with a human being that could out-swim fish, realize that corruption is still rampant in our political system- it was a year, folks. Rather than me doing a fairly loose recap of the year that was, check this post out from mental_floss- it's a nice retrospective.

2009 promises to be just as interesting. Here's to a year's past and another on the way.
