Breaking my hiatus for a brief moment, this was too good not to post.
Here we have two 4 year old democrats debating contemporary politics. Good stuff.
Final thought on this current upcoming election: First, let me preface this by saying that political elections in this country are never about the issues- it rarely is and the trend won't change because the issues are inherently "elitist"- they're difficult to understand by the common voter (being an "elitist" isn't a bad thing- it just means being smarter than the normal Joe). Elections are all about who seems like a leader the individual voter will like better. American electoral politics is personality-focused. I'm writing this while keeping so-called "elect-ability" in mind.
This long battle between Hillary Clinton and Barak "Barry" Obama is both good and bad. First it's good because it gives both candidates a reason to build up experience in all 50 states- they'll be familiar with the whole campaigning thing by the time one (maybe both) of them have to face McCain. Second, it's bad because the longer this continues, the more likely each side is alienating the supporters from the other. This is most problematic for the democrats if Barak Obama gets the nomination because more moderate voters tend to be Clinton supporters- they may find McCain more appealing than Obama.
Regarding the issues, I frankly don't care. I don't see enough of a difference between Obama and Clinton to form a solid opinion for one or the other. As far as personality goes, Hilary Clinton's appearance on the Bill O'Reily show confirmed what I thought: Hilary Clinton is a bitch who won't take shit from anyone- that's the kind of leader I want when they're dealing with, oh I don't know, say-Vladimir Putin.
Either way, this is what American democracy is- don't bitch about this, please. Personally I think a Clinton-Obama ticket is unbeatable and most desirable- it consolidates both groups of supporters under the Democratic Party's ticket, it also gives Obama 4 to 8 years to dispel any current "inexperience" claims against him and lets him get his feet wet on the national and international political scene.
I hope you all can see my latent dislike for the mindlessness of national elections in this country (actually, any country that holds elections). Issues are addressed in the legislative branch and the 3 years of "dead space" between presidential elections anyway- this is no time for issues. I guess with a society with a media that feasts on sensationalism it makes sense that elections are as ridiculous as they are anyway.
This turned into a rant- really quickly too.
Quick question: If you were Senators Obama or Clinton, would you accept a Vice Presidential position over your seat in congress, especially considering that within the 4/8 years of the election you would probably be the majority leader? Is VP still the political black hole it used to be? If Dick Cheney taught us anything, the answer is no, isn't it?
Oh well, so much for all that, back to my papers and finals!
With cynical frustration,
PS - Happy Cinco De Mayo.
A Trail Gone Cold
11 months ago
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