After a haitus of a couple of weeks, the song of the week returns with "Kid on my Shoulder" by the White Rabbits.
I was introduced to the White Rabbits when they opened for Spoon when I saw them a month ago. They're a really interesting band with a unique sound. The band, for one, has two drummers/percussionists, two lead vocalists, and utilizes piano to the best effects of indie rock. Want proof? Watch the video underneath.
They're best at creating overarching hooks in their melodic themes. Did that last sentence mean anything to you? I hope it did despite the jargon I decided to use to describe it. Honestly though, the really unique thing about their sound is how they can create a melody out of a wall of instrument sounds. At first, many of their songs just sound like a lot of notes being bashed out. That sound slowly morphs into a really hooky melody that ensnares the listener- causing the latter to bob their heads incessantly. Their best songs are when there's a strong piano part to give them their unique brooding drive. This is all not mentioning the vocals and lyrics which are full of very melodramatic tones and themes that those teen kids will eat up like- like candy.
This particular song has all the above and provides the added bonus in that there are two general melodic themes that us listeners get to enjoy. The bridge and verses of these songs are two different melodies that each have their own unique appeal to a given listener. Just see (listen?) for yourself.
Well that's it for now, enjoy.
In procrastination- still,
A Trail Gone Cold
11 months ago
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